Is this the right time to think of Packings for Splitting columns?
Double Screw Vs Single Screw in Plodder Extruders? Which is better for standard soap extrusion?
Glycerin pricing and its resultant on the economics of soap base? Is Semiboiled Soap relevant to Indian market now? Best practices on Semiboiled Soap Manufacture
Are high Veg Oil Prices here to stay for the Indian market now?
Mildness : Consumer usage data or Lab test data, which is more relevant?
Encapsulated Active Materials: Theory vs Practical applications in Soaps and Detergent Industry?
Physical Testing Methods for Soaps and Detergents in the Lab and their relevance to the Consumer Usage
Mixed Active systems in Detergent Powders and Bars
Flaked Anionic systems as a practical use for compaction of detergent powders?
Builder of choice :  STPP or Zeolite ?
Machinery Buying Strategy: Italian Machine Manufacturers and Indian Machinery Makers in Soaps/Detergents Industry
Zeolites : Developments in this Industry and their relevance to the practical formulator
Soap Dies Research: Key to increasing Speciality Chemical business volumes and profits as well as innovation in soap bars? Talk to us today for more insight on this provocative thought..
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